Search Results for: jakarta

UCLG ASPAC Teaming Up with IndoWater 2015 Expo & Forum, 27-29 May 2015

On the recently-held IndoWater Press Conference, Khairul Mahadi, UCLG ASPAC Senior Advisor of Programme Development and Collaboration, introduced to the public the main issue that will be discussed during the seminar, which is to promote the importance of sustainable urban development, protection of environment and conservation of natural resources. The organization supports measures in environmental improvement through good governance practices, technology transfer, and improved financing system.

Indonesia Prepares for Pre-Meeting of HABITAT III

HABITAT III is scheduled to take place in Quito, Ecuador, in September 2016. But, preparatory efforts are already taking place among Indonesian Authorities, since President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo’s administration will host at least two serial preparatory meetings,these are the High-level Regional Preparatory Meeting to Habitat III for Asia-Pacific this October and the Third PrepCom next …

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CSR, Its Potential and Challenges for Indonesia

MY  stay in Indonesia has been extremely insightful. Through an assortment of conferences, conversations, research and work at UCLG ASPAC, I’ve begun to understand the complexity of some of the issues affecting local governance. One particular excursion to the Kota Tua (Old City) in Jakarta’s downtown area aroused my curiosity in urban development as well …

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Africa’s Voice: The World Becomes Urban

TODAY, the world becomes more urban than ever. More and more people leave to make their life in cities. African countries, said UCLG AFRICA’s Secretary General Mr. Mr. Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, is also experiencing this phenomena and that’s why, “More attention is needed from any local government in how to deal with the growing movement of people from villages to cities.”

This statement was said by Mr. Mbassi when he met Ms. Atik Kumala, UCLG ASPAC’s Strategic Services Manager from Jakarta in the 1st Retreat for UCLG Secretariats, Committees, and Key Partners in Barcelona, Spain this mid February 2015.

Dhaka will Host 250 Participants for the 2nd International Conference on Local Government 2015

MUNICIPAL Association of Bangladesh (MAB) will host at least 250 participants from across the world at the 2nd International Conference on Local Government 2015 scheduled to take place in Sonargaon Hotel in the capital Dhaka, on the 27-28 March 2015. The main goal of the conference is to promote  local government domestically and internationally with …

Dhaka will Host 250 Participants for the 2nd International Conference on Local Government 2015 Read More »

Prospective Opportunity

IT was not just a courtesy visit, but the beginning of a great opportunity and it took place at UCLG ASPAC’s Secretariat in Central Jakarta today on 3 February 2015. Foreign Relations Desk’s Chief, Mrs. Shinta Nindyawati MSC from Greater Jakarta Gubernatorial Office met Dr. Bernardia Irawati Tjandradewi to discuss potential opportunities to work with …

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Hamamatsu Mayor’s Visit

Hamamatsu City’s Mayor Yasutomo Suzuki, visited the City Hall of Jakarta on 18 December 2014. On the occasion, he also came to the UCLG ASPAC’s Secretariat. The purpose of the visit, was to discuss with the Jakarta Capital City Government about the possibility of exchange between Jakarta and Hamamatsu through UCLG ASPAC. The Meeting included …

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2014 Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation

The 2014 Guangzhou International Award managed to attract 259 submissions by 177 cities from 57 countries and regions. The Technical Committee (which is an international panel comprising 11 urban practitioners and scholars) identified 45 deserving initiatives and 15 of which were further chosen to make up the final shortlist of entries, based on their ability …

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