Be a Member of UCLG ASPAC
The United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) is the largest regional section of a worldwide association of cities and local governments (UCLG). The Asia and Pacific region links to more than 10,000 local. It represents well over 3.76 billion people – more than half of the world population.
Benefit for UCLG ASPAC Member
UCLG ASPAC is the knowledge management hub on local government issues in the Asia-Pacific Region. It promotes democratic local self-government and cooperation between governments and within the wider international communities in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Network linking thousands of local governments worldwide.
Interact with key players on emerging issues to promote effective local self-government.
Get the opportunity to be involved in leadership and decision-making positions in the governance of UCLG ASPAC both for personal growth and institutional strength.
Be able to participate in programmes, activities and projects undertaken by UCLG/UCLG ASPAC in an array of fields, including but not limited to the SDGs’ localisation, Disaster Risk Reduction, Public Space, Climate Change, and Sanitation.
Access to UCLG/UCLG ASPAC’s information data and documentation resources.
Receive free or reduced price for joining UCLG ASPAC capacity building and training activities, workshops, courses, seminars, and congress.
Has the opportunity to join UCLG ASPAC Standing Committees.
How to join UCLG ASPAC?
Identify your organisation based on the following categories:
Local government members. This membership shall be open to National associations of local governments, National Sections, Sub-national associations of local governments, Multi-national associations of local governments, and Individual cities/local governments.
International organisation members. International local government organisations which represent specific categories of local governments, and/or whose purposes relate to specific sectoral or thematic issues.
Associate members. This membership shall be open to entities which, though not themselves local government organisations, are strongly concerned with or involved in local government matters.
Honorary members. This membership may be granted to individuals or institutions which have rendered distinguished service to the association of local governments or to the cause of democratic local government.
Select the category of membership that corresponds to your organisation:
Full membership. This category includes to become members both of UCLG and UCLG ASPAC. Local governments below 1 million inhabitants will be automatically offered this type of membership.
Joint membership. This category includes to become members of UCLG, UCLG ASPAC, and Metropolis. Local governments with over 1 million inhabitants OR Capital of the country/state are eligible for this type of membership.
Complete the membership form and send it to UCLG ASPAC Secretariat
Joint membership : CLICK TO DOWNLOAD FORM
Full membership : CLICK TO DOWNLOAD FORM
Attend the upcoming Executive Bureau Meeting.
Applications shall be decided by the Executive Bureau. UCLG ASPAC Secretariat will inform the upcoming Executive Bureau Meeting of the new membership application for the decision.
Pay the annual membership to make the membership effective.
Membership Condition
All applicants for membership must undertake the support, promote, and adhere to the World Organisation/Section’s mission, values, and objectives.For inquiries, please contact the UCLG ASPAC Secretariat
UCLG ASPAC Secretariat
Jakarta Capital City Government Office (City Hall of Jakarta)
Building H, 21th Floor Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 8-9
Central Jakarta 10110, INDONESIA
Phone : +62 21 389 01 801
Member Services WhatsApp : +62 811 8047 002
Fax : +62 21 389 01 802
Email :