Search Results for: Dhulikhel Municipality

Sanitation Policy Advocacy Project marks World Toilet Day with its first MoU signing

19 December 2018 l Lahan Municipality, Nepal
the effort to ensure good sanitation management among cities and in conjunction with World Toilet Day 2018, United Cities Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) in collaboration with Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN) has signed its first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Lahan Municipality in south-eastern Nepal under its “Municipalities Network Advocacy in Sanitation in South Asia” on 19 December 2018. Read More..

UCLG ASPAC 1st Retreat to strengthen partnership with Asia-Pacific Members

7 – 8 December 2018 I Guangzhou, China
In order to ensure UCLG ASPAC’s responsiveness to the needs of Local Governments (LGs) and Local Government Associations (LGAs) across Asia-Pacific, especially in their efforts to pursue sustainable development, the first ever Retreat was organized under the theme “Enhancing the United Voice of Cities and Local Governments in Meeting the Global Challenges”. Read More..

MuNASS: Founding of the First Co-Treatment Plant in Nepal and Progress in Bangladesh

Progress in Nepal June 5, 2024 | UCLG ASPAC,under theframework of the Municipalities Network Advocacy on Sanitation in South Asia (MuNASS), is proud to support and witness the opening of Nepal’s first co-treatment plant, the “Shreekhandrapur Wastewater and Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant,” at Shreekhandapur, Dhulikhel, on the occasion of World Environment Day, June 5, 2024. …

MuNASS: Founding of the First Co-Treatment Plant in Nepal and Progress in Bangladesh Read More »

UCLG ASPAC’s Highlights at the 7th UCLG World Congress “Breaking Through as One”

October 10-14, 2022 | Daejeon – UCLG ASPAC held its Executive Bureau and Council Meeting 2022 on the occasion of the 7th UCLG Congress and World Summit of Leaders and Officials of Cities and Regional Governments, hosted by the city of Daejeon. UCLG ASPAC’s presence ensured the support of its member cities and local governments …

UCLG ASPAC’s Highlights at the 7th UCLG World Congress “Breaking Through as One” Read More »

Year 2019 Marks Significant Progress on UCLG ASPAC’s Faecal Sludge Management Project Implemented Hand in Hand with Local Governments and Associations

21 – 24 January 2020 | KUAKATA – UCLG ASPAC and its partners at both local and international levels convened a coordination meeting to take stock of the progress jointly achieved under the “Municipalities Network Policy Advocacy on Sanitation in South Asia.” By 2019, more than half of the Bangladesh’s total 329 municipalities and the …

Year 2019 Marks Significant Progress on UCLG ASPAC’s Faecal Sludge Management Project Implemented Hand in Hand with Local Governments and Associations Read More »