UCLG ASPC Standing Committees

HDP Nexus Committee

The international community is continuously working towards reducing poverty, economic growth and social stability in developing countries. The OECD DAC Recommendation adopted in February of 2019 emphasizes the Humanitarian (H), Development (D), and Peace (P) Nexus within fragile and conflict countries. HDP Nexus closely aligns with UCLG ASPAC’s view on the role of local governments towards achieving SDGs. Since Asia-Pacific region is home to 59% of the world’s population, it becomes crucial that local governments, as strategic partners of national governments, should play a critical role in achieving a sustainable future.

In line with the trend of the international community, Gyeonggi Provincial Government took the initiative to establish a committee called, the “HDP Nexus Committee” under UCLG ASPAC in June 2021.

The main implication of establishing the HDP Nexus Committee is twofold : First, the  implementation of the HDP Nexus Committee will motivate the local government members in the Asia-Pacific region to exchange knowledge and information on bilateral and multilateral Official Development Assistance (ODA). This is vitally needed for local governments to keep pace with the fast moving and increased duration of emergencies around the world.

Second, building the HDP Nexus Committee as a local government-level platform in the AP region will prompt the leader of each member local government and all key stakeholders to commit more seriously and play an active role in tackling under global challenges such as disaster, climate change, international conflicts, and many other humanitarian crises. This will not only help strengthen the capacity of each actor but also bring member countries practical results which address urgent global challenges across the HDP Nexus.

If done successfully, it would not only attract international attention but also have set of best practices to share with the international community as a whole. That way, the committee can also lead and provide guidance on how to enable the effective, efficient and transparent mobilization and use of resources.

The HDP Nexus Committee cordially welcomes all members of UCLG ASPAC, including non-members, to join us on our journey, together.

For more information, please contact dasolh@gg.go.kr .

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