From Jeju to Bontang: Replication Opportunity for Waste Management in City

December 17-20, 2024 | UCLG ASPAC Secretariat facilitated the second survey of the Jeju Provincial Government to Bontang City (Indonesia) following its initiative to transfer knowledge and good practice on waste management to the City. This second survey aimed to see whether Bontang City has sufficient resources for development of resource centres and spaces that are suited for waste segregation and collection sites (clean houses) as practised in Jeju. Bontang is now looking forward to the final announcement in February 2025. If selected, Bontang will receive funding support for a five-year waste management project implementation (from 2026 to 2030) from the South Korean Government.

Site Survey: The second survey inspected a seven-hectare area near the landfill (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir/TPA) in Bontang Lestari Ward, South Bontang sub-district; 1.5 hectares of which is planned to be used for the recycling centre and biogas facility. If selected, the Bontang City Government is ready to prepare the area. 

Recycling and Biogas Equipment: All equipment/machines needed for the project will be manufactured in Indonesia. Jeju will deploy its engineers to oversee the production process to ensure the quality of the equipment meets the required standards.

Jeju Clean House System – Jeju applies clean house practice. In Jeju, waste segregation starts at the household level. Local people bring the sorted waste to appointed sites called clean houses. In this second survey, Jeju checked whether 30 locations in Bontang suffice to be used as clean house sites if Bontang is selected. Site locations are mainly in the North Bontang District, including Bontang Baru, Bontang Kuala, and Lok Tuan.

Benefits: Incentive Mechanism, Capacity Building

The project funding support will also cover the current incentive mechanism already run by Bontang City. For two years, Bontang City has conducted an environmental assessment programme involving local people. Selected neighbourhood associations (Rukun Tetangga) have received a monthly incentive of IDR 2 million to clean their neighbourhood and further assessed each area accordingly.This initiative aims to enhance public awareness and encourage active community participation in waste management and recycling efforts.Jeju will also facilitate training for staff members of the Environmental Agency of Bontang in Jeju to provide in-depth knowledge of the Clean House System.

UCLG ASPAC highly appreciates the initiative of the Jeju Local Government to transfer knowledge and support Bontang City in waste management.