“Water on Table”: The 7th World Water Forum 2015 in Daegu and Gyeongbuk

WATER is vital to our life and water issue has been very crucial in modern living, mostly when shortage of water persists. Around one billion people worldwide are suffering from water shortage by 2025 and 2/3 of the world  population by 2025.

Consequently, nations throughout the world have started to secure clean and safe water resources while protecting their citizens against water-related disaster.

In Daegu and Gyeongbuk, the Republic of Korea, an international forum on water issues will take place this 12-17 April 2015.  This forum is hosted by the World Water Forum (WWF).

Originally established in 1996 as the World Water Council (WWC), the presence of the WWF came to rise in the following year of its foundation. The WWF has been becoming the world’s largest meeting on water every three years ever since.

Nowadays, water issues are not only matters of a single religion or nation, but has been becoming an international issue which garner attention from the global community and that’s why global solidarity and joint counter-measures are needed.

In the World Water Forum 2005 in Daegu and Gyeongbuk,  water issue will be once again discussed on the table where hundreds of participants from various civic society organizations, academia, private organizations and interest groups attended. This forum will bear the theme “Water for Our Future”.

Indrarini Tenrisau, UCLG ASPAC’s Senior Technical Advisor on Water Resources Management,  will participate the 7th World Water Forum in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, the Republic of Korea, this mid April 2015. (MH)