Three Meetings in Makati: UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau, PLATFORMA and DELGOSEA

AFTER hosting the two-day long international interactive conference on Public Space and Partnership in the New Urban Agenda, which took place last February, Makati will host again three meetings, the UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau Meeting, the European Voice of Local and Regional Authorities for Development (PLATFORMA) Meeting and the Partnership for Democratic Local Governance in Southeast-Asia (DELGOSEA) Meeting. All members of UCLG ASPAC are invited to attend the Executive Bureau and PLATFORMA Meetings. The UCLG ASPAC DELGOSEA Standing Committee will be attended by members of DELGOSEA Standing Committee. The events will take place on 28-30 April.

PLATFORMA is a European Commission-supported program, addressed for local and regional authorities’ development, created in 2008. PLATFORMA obtained the support for the period of 2012 to 2015, for the “Dialogue and Capacity Building of Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) in EU Partner Countries in the Development and Local Governance Fields” project.

Let’s all contribute to make the Meetings productive, for the sake of a better future. (MH)