April 24, 2024 | UCLG ASPAC Secretary General, Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, spoke at the SPM (Standar Pelayanan Minimum/Minimum Service Standard) Awards hosted by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) Indonesia taking place in Jakarta. The SPM Awards is held to acknowledge the efforts of Indonesian local authorities in meeting (at least) the minimum standard of public services delivery as stated in Minister of Home Affairs Regulation 59/2021. UCLG ASPAC successfully facilitated the revision process of the previous regulation in 2021 and its attendance in this event strengthens the commitment to support local governments in improving public service delivery and to maintain strong partnership with MoHA.
The Director General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. Restu Ardy Daud, thanked UCLG ASPAC for the continuous support for the SPM Awards. During his speech, he highlighted the SPM report prepared by local authorities that serves the following functions: (1) assess the progress of SPM at the sub-national level (2) help the national government in formulating policies, and (3) serve as a basis for national government to provide incentives for local governments who perform well in meeting the SPM in accordance with the laws and regulations as well as local government’s fiscal capacity. “The objectives of the SPM Awards are, among others, to appreciate the local leaders’ commitment to improving the public service delivery”, he added.
In her opening remarks, Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi underlined the commitment of UCLG ASPAC to maintain the support to MoHA on the implementation of SPM and the SDGs achievement. Following up on the commitment, UCLG ASPAC and MoHA will meet to discuss concrete plans for organising training and capacity-building programmes for the implementation of SPM.
The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. John Wempi Wetipo who was also present at the event, encouraged sub-national governments to improve the service delivery to increase the quality of public services at the local level in reference to six basic services.
In the event, nine sub-national governments selected as winners of the implementation period 2023 were announced as follows:
Province category: Winner: West Java, Runner up: East Java, Second runner-up: North Kalimantan
Regency category: Winner: Bogor, Runner up: Karanganyar, Second runner-up: Bangka Barat
City Category: Winner: Makassar, Runner up: South Tangerang, Second runner-up: Tangerang
UCLG ASPAC congratulates Makassar and South Tangerang, its active members, for receiving the Awards.