Open Call for Sanitation Award – The Asia-Pacific Sanitation Excellence Award


United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) is the largest regional section of UCLG, an amalgamation of International Union of Local Authorities (IULA), United Towns Organization (UTO) and World Association of the Major Metropolises (METROPOLIS). UCLG was established on 1 January 2004 and is headquartered in Barcelona, Spain. Following this unification, UCLG ASPAC was established in Taipei on 14 April 2004, as the new entity of IULA ASPAC. UCLG ASPAC links with more than 10,000 cities and local governments.

In 2017, with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), UCLG ASPAC initiated the Municipalities Network Advocacy on Sanitation in South Asia (MuNASS). The project involves the Local Government Associations in six (6) countries in Asia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, and Bangladesh. UCLG ASPAC invites cities and local governments in Asia and the Pacific to join the Sanitation Excellence Award. Winners will be announced during the 9th UCLG ASPAC Congress to be held from 13 to 15 November 2023 in Yiwu, China.

Sanitation Excellence Award

The Asia-Pacific Sanitation Excellence Award will be given to four (4) cities or local governments that have applied the City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) and made progress in the achievement of SDG 6.2. The Sanitation Value Chain will be the key area of measuring indications.

It will be a self-assessment system and the city/municipality will provide minimum evidence to prove the model. An Evaluation Committee will keep the right to enquire or request for additional documents for validation.


  • Cities or Local Governments will be eligible for the Award in regards to implementing safe and inclusive sanitation programmes through their innovative ideas, and approaches of business model to contribute in SDG 6.2 following the City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) approach.
  • Geographic coverage of the Sanitation Excellence Award will go to Four (4) Cities or Local Governments of South and Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, and Pacific countries only.  
  • Winners of the UCLG ASPAC Sanitation Excellence Award of April 2023 will not be eligible to participate.


The following parameters would be considered to weight the grades, such as:

  • Safe Sanitation action plan following SDG 6.2
  • Social inclusion and equity in safe sanitation specially for women, children, and low-income community as the CWIS approach
  • Sustainable sanitation business plan in total sanitation value chain [Innovation/Excellence]
  • Environmental impact
  1. Safe Sanitation Plan: It will be the entry point of the Award. Cities or Local Governments having a specific plan where sanitation is safe for all.
  2. Social Inclusion and Equity: How the city authority made/planned opportunities for gender equity, social inclusion of low-income people and its impact on society important.
  3. Sustainable Sanitation Business Plan: Allowing households to invest themselves in improving their toilets system, disposal of sludge and treatment, cost effectiveness, recover resource from fecal waste, role of actors, and value chain would be considered. Affordability also will be considered.
  4. Environmental Impact: Many health problems are associated with poor sanitation and waste management, principally caused by contact with human fecal. Environmental impacts of poor sanitation and waste management at a local level include pollution of land and watercourses, also how the sanitation system contributing to positive environmental impact would be count.


  1. An Independent Evaluation Committee will review and evaluate the short-listed award applications and will recommend the top applicants. The Committee will comprise of experts and practitioners from different countries from Asia and the Pacific.
  2. All applicants will be acknowledged by e-mail of their submissions.
  3. UCLG ASPAC Secretariat will conduct the primary screening and compliances.
  4. UCLG ASPAC Secretariat will declare the Award winners.


  1. Applicants are requested to submit the duly filled and signed Self-assessment Form (See Annex 1 with additional annexures) in pdf version for better management of the document.
  2. Applicants are requested not to make any changes at the Assessment Form.
  3. Submission of the Award application opens on 8 August 2023 and closes at 11.59 pm, (EXTENDED) 22 September, 2023
  4. Participating cities and local governments are requested to send their documents (Annex 1) to UCLG ASPAC at with the subject line: Sanitation Excellence Award Application_(CityName).


  1. Award grant – the four (4) cities/municipalities will receive $5,000 as 1st Prize, $4,000 as 2nd  Prize, $3,000 as 3rd Prize, $ 2,000 as 4th Prize to contribute in implementing safe and inclusive sanitation plan in their cities/municipalities. 
  2. Award winning City will be invited to the UCLG ASPAC Congress in Yiwu for handing over the Award Certificate and Crest. UCLG ASPAC will sponsor economy air ticket and accommodation for each winner to attend the Congress. Detailed sponsorship will be given to the winners.  


Should you have any questions and/or clarifications, please contact with the email subject: Sanitation Excellence Award.

Please find the attached document below for comprehensive and detailed information regarding the Sanitation Innovation Award and the Self-assessment document.