JICA Indonesia Visited Secretariat

JICA Indonesia Office visited UCLG ASPAC Secretariat on 18 July 2013 to learn the activities and potential cooperation with UCLG ASPAC and met UCLG ASPAC Secretary General and the Secretariat Staff.

The Chief Representative of JICA Indonesia, Mr. Sasaki Atsushi, and the Project Formulation Advisor, Ms. Matsuura Kazuki discussed the idea of joint organisation of a side even in SMART CITIES Conference that would be held in Yokohama in October 2013.

JICA supports local governments through G-to-G cooperation and interested with the sharing of best practices on good governance. UCLG ASPAC also shows its willingness to facilitate the sharing of good practices between cities in Japan and Indonesia.UCLG ASPAC and JICA also shows similar concern on resilience issues.