Visit to Korea with East Kalimantan Province Local Government

UCLG ASPAC’s Secretariat facilitated a visit of eighteen delegates from the East Kalimantan Province local government, member of APPSI (Indonesian Provincial Government Association) and one representative from the Ministry of Home Affairs, to Seoul and Gimpo, from 15-20 November 2014.

They learned about an E-government system that is capable of recording government regulations, public services (transportation, health facilities, traffics organizing, etc.), complaints, security and safety for city residents in Seoul Metropolitan Government. They also visited WeGo (World E-Governments Organization) and were introduced about WeGo and its activities.

The Acting Mayor of Gimpo City, Mr. Moon Yeonho, greeted all the delegates at Smartopia Center, by giving a presentation on how the use of e-government system can improve the city services and performance.

Mr. Fathur Rahman, Assistant Deputy Governor from East Kalimantan Province, emphasized that the purpose of the visit was to learn, to see and to adopt the system that might be suitable and affordable to improve the service and performance of East Kalimantan local government. The training aimed at facilitating capacity building of local government through networking and peer-to-peer learning on e-government.

The program was specifically designed to benchmark the application at a local level and to explore potential cooperation in the public administration sector, by applying an integrated IT system.