June 5, 2024 I UCLG ASPAC and Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government inaugurated the first project highlighting children’s health in North Minahasa, organised back-to-back with the first session of UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau Meeting. This is part of a two-year commitment of Guangzhou, as Chair of the Standing Committee Women in Local Government (SCWILG) and owner of the Guangzhou International Prize for Urban Innovation (Guangzhou Award) platform consistently promoting and awarding cities’ good practices for sustainable development agenda.
For the first project, UCLG ASPAC and Guangzhou give access to clean water (building a well) and bring a food stall to the school area, considering their needs. Beneficiaries of this project are five selected schools including four elementary schools (SD Inpres Suwaan, SD Inpres Sarongsong 1, SD Negeri Maen, SD Negeri Tamba) and one junior high school (SMP Negeri 2 Airmadidi) in North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia. A food stall is built and given to the schools so that students can find food within the school area.
The Inauguration
The inauguration ceremony preceded the First Session of the UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau Meeting 2024 event. Attending participants were warmly welcomed with an opening dance performed by school children and remarks from high profiles. The inauguration was marked with ribbon cutting symbolising the reception of support from the Guangzhou Healthy and Green School project. UCLG ASPAC also passed plaques and certificates to five school headmasters during the opening session of the Likupang Tourism Festival 2024.
UCLG ASPAC Secretariat highly appreciates the support given by the local government of Guangzhou for the “Cultivating Healthy and Green Schools” Project. UCLG ASPAC will continuously support this positive initiative and ensure it meets the needs of cities.