Daegu International Development Cooperation Centre (DGIDCC) was established based on a mutual partnership between Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Keimyung University. The primary objective is to raise awareness of Korea’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) and international development in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do regions. DGIDCC makes progress toward this by supporting partners like public and private institutions, civil society organisations, universities, and citizens in enhancing their active participation in ODA and international development projects.
To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the role of cities has increasingly received attention by acknowledging local governments as key actors in international development cooperation. Cities are now believed to be capable of complementing the traditional development efforts undertaken at the central government level. Local governments are equipped with unique capabilities and added value, allowing them to contribute to international development cooperation. For example, Daegu has competitive strengths across various sectors, including traditional industries such as textiles and healthcare, as well as the water industry, disaster prevention, smart energy and cities, and education. Efforts are underway, particularly focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, to promote international development cooperation projects through collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors. Particularly, Daegu is proud to provide expertise and share production technologies in the fibre sector to enhance the productivity of local businesses in Indonesia and Cambodia. They are actively conducting tailored technical guidance by identifying industry challenges on-site. DGIDCC, in collaboration with Daegu Metropolitan City, regularly hosts ODA forums and network meetings with partners to analyse the latest ODA project trends and identify development needs and demand from neighbouring cities. Furthermore, DGIDCC provides consulting services and advice to institutions that wish to participate in ODA projects. Mr. Lee Dong-ku, Director of DGIDCC also emphasises that international development cooperation and exchanges between cities and regions globally not only contribute to resolving development issues faced by local governments and cities but also help strengthen democratic governance.