Strenghtening Cooperation between Jakarta Capital City Government and UCLG ASPAC with Concrete Programs

In response to a program on “Development of Creative Economy and Zero Waste System“ submitted by UCLG ASPAC Secretariat to the Governor of Jakarta Capital City Government, the UCLG ASPAC Secretary General Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi met the Deputy Governor for Industry, Trade and Transportation of Jakarta Capital City Government Mr. Sutanto Soehodho to join a meeting on 7th October to further discuss about the proposed activities.

The meeting, which was chaired by Mr. Soehodho, was also attended by representatives of related Offices/Departments & Municipalities of Jakarta.  During the meeting, the Secretary General presented the past and upcoming Programs and Activities UCLG ASPAC for 2013-2014 and Program Concept of Enhancing Cooperation between Jakarta Capital City Government and UCLG ASPAC on “Development of Creative Economy and Zero Waste System”. The proposed program aims to (1). Increase the creative economy of poor/marginalized communities in Jakarta through collective financing support, and (2). Reduce the amount of household waste by developing recycling industry.It is expected that, through the program, the beneficiaries of the financing support could own their business equipments so as to increase their economic level and the marginalized communities could make additional income or save their spending from the recycling activities.

The meeting has brought ideas and provided suggestions on how to link the proposed program with Jakarta’s ongoing activities and plans. In his conclusion, Mr. Soehodho encouraged Jakarta, through its Regional Working Units (SKPD), to optimally use and get benefit from the membership of Jakarta in UCLG ASPAC. Mr. Soehodho also expressed his support to the programs proposed by UCLG ASPAC and asked the related SKPD to possibly link it with their current activities and programs.