IN an effort to identify channels to improve the participation of civil society organizations and local authorities in the implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, a collaborative group is set to commence an Inception Report on Indonesia.
The Policy Forum on Development (the European Commission), in collaboration with UCLG ASPAC and led by Dr. Wicaksono Sarosa (an in-country expert on MDGs and local governance), initiated this study, which will be started with a Focus Group Discussion later this month. The study is a part of the global study, in which four other countries participating; they are Peru, Botswana, Lebanon and the Netherlands.
The main idea is that civil society organizations (CSOs) and local authorities (LAs) play critical roles to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the development – thanks to their know-how in delivering social services to citizens. Therefore, supporting their work becomes essential in the success of development.
The Focus Group Discussion will bring together academics, government officials, civil society and other relevant stakeholders with the aim to discuss and provide input surrounding the following key areas:
- To examine what governments are doing to promote an enabling environment for CSOs/LAs participation in the implementation of the SDGs/Post-2015 agenda.
- To assess if the legal and institutional environment (including financing issues) is conducive to the “localization” of the Post-2015 Agenda.
- To explore how to strengthen CSOs and LAs capacities to promote a strategic participative approach for the implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda.
- To explore what mechanisms exist to implement and monitor the SDGs and, what the role of CSOs and LAs is.
More information about this Focus Group Discussion will be announced soon on UCLG ASPAC website and social media accounts.