24-28 February 2020 | TANGIER, Morocco – UCLG ASPAC joined forces with key actors in the municipal movement to amplify the voice of Asia and the Pacific at the annual UCLG Retreat and Campus hosted by the city of Tangier. Now on its 6th year, the week-long gathering focused on what can be done together through what has been dubbed as “superpowers,” in order to foster transformative diplomacy and synchronisation as we usher in the Implementation Decade of the Agenda 2030.
Our Role and Contribution to the World Forum
UCLG ASPAC took an active role at the Retreat through the participation of Mayor Madelaine Alfelor of Iriga (Philippines) who was elected as UCLG Treasurer and delegation from Xi’an representing Mayor Li Mingyuan who was elected as Co-President representing Asia-Pacific last year. Also representing UCLG ASPAC was Secretary General Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi.
In discussion about Equality Driven Movement Which Renews Democracy for All, Mayor Madelaine put highlight on the ecological transition. Specifically, she informed the forum that “Cultural Ecology plays a crucial role on disaster risk assessments and reduction. We must include cultural heritage. This includes indigenous people and knowledge.”
Enriching discussion about SDGs localisation, UCLG ASPAC, represented by Secretary General Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, reflected on the main challenges faced by the Asia-Pacific region. With funding support from the European Union (EU), UCLG ASPAC has been assisting local governments in Indonesia (through LOCALISE SDGs programme) and Pakistan (through LEAD for SDGs programme) in the pursuant of Agenda 2030. In addition, there are Municipalities Network Policy Advocacy on Sanitation in South Asia programme, Climate Change and Energy programme, Public Space Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities (CRIC) programme. She mentioned that “ASPAC is such a diverse region but one of our main priorities is definitely our focus on environment, climate change and strategies of disaster risk reduction. Gender equality also remains high on our agenda.”
During the discussion on “The Future Local and Regional Leaders Want,” Mayor Madelaine Alfelor envisioned a UCLG that creates working policies, where local authorities serve as trailblazers for change and demonstrate a bridging leadership that reaches out to all stakeholders. In addition, Mayor Madelaine also raised issue on food security.
In the session on “Shaping the Local4Action Hubs,” representative from Xi’an, Mr. Shi Qi, Deputy Division Chief of Foreign Affairs Office, presented the city’s proposal for a Youth Dialogue Hub that seeks to promote education equality, improve inclusiveness and understanding, and awaken young people’s sense of responsibility for the future. Local4Action Hub is a new tool being developed by UCLG that promotes local-initiated and action-oriented initiatives to accelerate the localisation of global agendas.
UCLG Retreat and Campus
The UCLG Retreat and Campus concluded with the adoption of the Tangier Declaration that puts emphasis on the crucial role of networking as well as inclusive multilateralism as an instrument for transforming peaceful societies. In addition, it also contributed to the conversation of the UN’s 75th anniversary. This year, UCLG Retreat and Campus was participated in by close to 200 delegates including representatives from the UCLG Presidency and Vice Presidency, UCLG World Council, UCLG Members, Secretariat of UCLG World and its Sections, Consultation Mechanisms, Global Taskforce Members, and UCLG Partners.
UCLG ASPAC is looking forward to further collaborations to help local governments pursue a sustainable urban development.
CLICK HERE for Tangier Declaration