Governor Rosalina Jalosjos: Serving Through HEATS

Governor Rosalina Garcia Jalosjos, known locally as Nene Jalosjos, is the current leader of Zamboanga del Norte Province in the Philippines. Previously the Mayor of Dapitan, Gov. Rosalina decided to take the higher leadership role and bring her goal to the provincial level. Her leadership prioritises a five-point development agenda (Health; Education, Sports, and Environmental Protection; Agriculture, Livelihood, and Infrastructure; Tourism, Peace and Order; and Social Services, and Skills Development) widely known as HEATS.

In medical and health services, Gov. Nene Jalosjos applies free hospitalisation to indigenous individuals. She also develops district hospitals in the Municipality of Siocon, Liloy, Labason, Manukan and Piǹan, and completes the facility of Sindangan District Hospital. In the education and sports area, scholarship programmes are provided for poor yet outstanding students. Her administration also ensures sports activities involve youth in every barangay and municipality in the Province. In the sector of agriculture and livelihood, local farmers are supplied with free seeds and fertilisers. Free livestock and aid are also available for local vendors, while fishermen receive livelihood assistance. Infrastructures are also strengthened, such as through road restoration projects and water system projects. Under her administration, there has been a revival of the renowned Hudyaka Festival in addition to the organisation of farm and sport tourism. She also strengthens social services, such as providing food assistance to local individuals affected by the pandemic, aid and benefits for persons with disability, and programme assistance to vulnerable groups.

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