Daejeon Update: New Landmark Established, Welcoming the 2022 UCLG World Congress

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A New Landmark Science Complex is built in Daejeon, the host city of the 2022 UCLG World Congress, in preparation for the upcoming World Congress in 2022. A 193 meters tall tower, known as the Expo Tower was also built to commemorate the 1993 Daejeon Expo, a symbol of Daejeon’s prosperity.

The building is largely composed of Science Mall and Tower. The mall has three basement floors and nine ground floors, and the tower has five basement floors and 43 ground floors. Shinsegae Department Store, which will enter the Science Mall, will provide a distinguished space from the existing department store facilities such as fashion accessories, Food and Beverages, food section, academies, and galleries.

The Shinsegae Nexperium, an education, culture, and experience space will operate on two floors, where visitors can experience various themes based on technology and space. In addition, a comprehensive indoor sports theme park where visitors can enjoy various activities such as rock climbing, and screen baseball, along with a new concept aquarium are also built.

The Science Tower includes the Science Center, a public facility occupying the 8th to 22nd floor. Daejeon UCLG Organising Committee is currently using the 22nd floor for its office. The 38th to 43rd floors are observatories and facilities for visitors. The five-star hotel has 171 rooms available ranging from the 5th to 7th floor and from the 26th to 37th floor. The hotel also comes with a swimming pool, fitness facility, banquet halls, and restaurants on the 26th floor, overlooking the entire city. International tourist accommodation facilities are expected to be used by visitors of UCLG World Congress next year.

Meanwhile, the second exhibition hall of the Daejeon Convention Center, where the 7th UCLG World Congress will be held, is scheduled to open in April next year. It is roughly a 10-minute walk from the Science Complex. Many member cities and local governments, including ASPAC members, participating in the Congress will have a pleasant experience at the Science Complex. Daejeon will also host the UCLG ASPAC Council Meeting during the 2022 World Congress.

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