Consultant of the LOCALISE SDGs Program Evaluation


United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) is the largest regional section of UCLG, an amalgamation of International Union of Local Authorities (IULA), United Towns Organization (UTO), and World Association of the Major Metropolises (METROPOLIS). UCLG was established on 1 January 2004 and is headquartered in Barcelona, Spain. Following this unification, UCLG ASPAC was established in Taipei on 14 April 2004, as the new entity of IULA ASPAC.

UCLG ASPAC is the key knowledge management hub on local government issues in the Asia-Pacific region. It promotes democratic local government, supports cooperation between cities, local governments and their associations, and facilitates programmes, network and partnerships to develop the capacity of local governments and the associations. Moreover, UCLG ASPAC represents local governments politically within the international community, and with the United Nations and its agencies. It also promotes inclusive societies which safeguard equality, social and economic justice, and sustainable community development. UCLG ASPAC is engaged in all relevant thematic fields for nurturing sustainable development comprising local economic development, climate change, disaster resiliency, culture, strategic planning, decentralization, municipal finance, gender equality, women leadership and empowerment and good governance.

LOCALISE SDGs Project, financially supported by the European Union and implemented by UCLG ASPAC in cooperation with APEKSI, aims to empower Local Authorities (LAs) and Associations of Local Authorities (ALAs) in Indonesia for enhanced governance and more effective development policies and to promote inclusive and sustainable local development through SDGs attainment. LOCALISE SDGs target 30 LAs (16 provinces and 14 municipalities) and 5 ALAs (APEKSI, APKASI, APPSI, ADEKSI, and ADKASI). Further information on LOCALISE SDGs target LAs is available at:

With LOCALISE SDGs ending in June 2021, there is a need to conduct a final monitoring and to do the program evaluation to measure the measure the tangible outcomes of the project and capture lesson learned to benefit any future initiatives.

For more details, please click here