UCLG ASPAC, under the framework of the European Union-funded Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities (CRIC) Programme, supports Indonesia’s effort to build climate-resilient cities. In line with this, CRIC rolls out the Climate Action Plan (CAP) training to deliver climate change mitigation and adaptation training to its 10 pilot cities.
The CAP training aims to build local governments capacities in developing and implementing scientific based-climate policies. The main participants are the members of the CRIC Working Group, a group consisting of local government stakeholders (such as officials from Environmental Services, Regional Planning Agency and other related government authorities) that CRIC helped formulate in 2020. This group is central to the CRIC’s policy influencing efforts at the city level.
The CAP training, starting from August 2021 to June 2022, consists of mitigation and adaptation training. In the mitigation training, the pilot cities will learn to develop GHG inventories and GHG emission baseline. With this data and analysis, cities can identify the most carbon-emitting sector, set reduction emissions targets, and develop a plan to achieve the targets (Climate Mitigation Action Plan).
In the adaptation training, the pilot cities learn to understand their climate risks and vulnerabilities and develop climate scenarios to assess potential hazards to climate change. The availability of this data will be the basis for cities to formulate the Climate Adaptation Action Plan.
CRIC collaborates with the Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM) Institut Pertanian Bogor to build learning modules and deliver the materials. The training is also supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan/KLHK), where CRIC utilises the KLHK-developed tools, SIGN SMART (National GHG Emission Inventory System) for mitigation and SIDIK (Vulnerability Index Data Information System) for adaptation.
By the end of the training, cities will develop the Climate Action Plans detailing strategic and priority actions to tackle climate change. The pilot cities will also receive training to develop bankable proposals to finance their climate actions. On that account, concrete climate actions will manifest in the cities, contributing to Indonesia’s climate commitment as stated in the Nationally Determined Contributions.
Climate change requires immediate and concrete responses. Improving climate resilience is integral to the cities, both for now and the future. “… Local leaders in the pilot cities have pledged their commitments towards climate-resilient cities,” said The Secretary-General of UCLG ASPAC, Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, at the CAP kick-off event. “It is time to increase the capacity of the local governments to integrate their climate actions and strategies.”
Learn about the ten pilot cities: https://www.resilient-cities.com/en/pilot-cities