Representatives of UCLG ASPAC Excutive Bureau and Council 2014-2016

Dear Valued Members,

Greetings from UCLG ASPAC Secretariat!

After taking some time in finalisation of the election results of Representatives for UCLG ASPAC Council and Executive Bureau (ExBu) for the period of 2014-2016, we are now able to forward to you the final list of UCLG ASPAC Council and ExBu for 2014-2016 for your information and reference.

We congratulate those who have been elected as member representative to the UCLG ASPAC Council and ExBu.  The Secretariat will further send a Congratulatory Letter to each member representative of UCLG ASPAC Council and ExBu for 2014-2016.

We would also like to inform you that the Governor of Jakarta, Mr. Joko Widodo elected as the Co-President of UCLG ASPAC 2014-2016 in Taipei, was inaugurated as the President of Indonesia for the period of 2014-2019.  Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Vice Governor, is now the acting governor of Jakarta.

We look forward to your active involvement in UCLG ASPAC that would be a significant contribution for the success of our organisation in carrying out its vision and mission to build a prosperous, peaceful and happy society in Asia-Pacific region.

For the list, click here.