What We Do

Policy & Research

One of UCLG ASPAC’s Manifesto targets is Empowering and Enabling COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience for Local Governments and Cities.  In this regard, UCLG ASPAC as the biggest regional section of UCLG is committed to promoting decentralized cooperation, and city-to-city cooperation in achieving the member benefit and expectations that based on the local needs and global agenda 2030 (SDGs, NUA, Paris Climate, and Sendai Framework for DRR).  

The word “resilience” is meant to cover all aspects particularly as many of the Global Agendas are now being revitalised after COVID-19 has deeply impacted the lives and livelihoods of people worldwide. These aspects include climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, local economic development and more.

As a result, UCLG ASPAC believes that comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (MONEV) for decentralised cooperation is important to assess the member needs and benefits toward the global target’s achievement at the local level. This is done through various efforts in conducting research and building a database on COVID-19 response and recovery at the local level, its social, economic, and environmental impacts of the pandemic, aligning effective climate action into local development plans (SDGs localisation), as well as facilitating exchanges of knowledge and practices amongst cities and regions on nurturing sustainable development. Therefore, vertical collaboration and decentralised cooperation between national, regional and local governments will be improved. 

Here are UCLG ASPAC’s Policy & Research Programme: 

  1. Women in Local Governments 
  2. Local Government Associations 
  3. Decentralisation
  4. Decentralised cooperation
To view some of our publications, click on our Resources page right here. 


To promote strong and effective democratic local self-government throughout the region/world by fostering unity and cooperation among members.

To ensure the effective political representation of local government to the UN and other international communities.

To be the worldwide source of key information on local government, learning, exchange, and capacity building to support democratic local governments and their associations.

To promote economic, social, cultural, vocational and environmental development by enhancing the services to the citizens based on good governance.

To promote race and gender equality, combating discrimination, promoting decentralized cooperation and international cooperation between local governments and their associations.

To promote twinning and partnership between local governments and peoples.