(Deadline Extended) Video Competition – City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) through Youth Lens

Asia Pacific Video Contest amongst Youth on City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS)
To raise awareness and promote greater involvement from schools and universities in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.2 on sanitation, MuNASS Phase II has initiated a Video contest focused on City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS). This Contest aims to increase engagement and understanding/awareness of City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) among young people. The following details outline the contest process for better clarity and participation.

Geographic coverage of the Contest:
Countries from South and South East Asia, Countries from the Pacific.

Eligibility for the participation
Students from any education institute will be eligible for the contest with their experience, ideas, innovation, and community engagement regarding inclusive and safe sanitation focus on SDG 6.2.
Must be 15 to 24 years of age (https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/youth ), and should have a valid Student ID card.

Prize and Rewards
Winning participants will receive a Certificate from UCLG ASPAC and prize money. The top 3 winners will receive $500 as 1st Prize, $400 as 2nd Prize, and $300 as 3rd Prize.

Key areas for screening and selection of winners

  • The contest theme: Safe and Inclusive Sanitation Challenge – From Crisis to Action.
  • Issues can be one or more on City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) (https://www.adb.org/publications/citywide-inclusive-sanitation-needed ) issues, challenges, and ideas for solutions, sanitation services for the low-income community, safe sanitation for women, or any action taken for safe sanitation in their video.
  • Students will choose a community, whether it’s their local neighborhood or institute, and address a specific issue that impacts the community on safe sanitation.

The evaluation process of Contest participants

  • An Independent Evaluation Committee will be established evaluate the videos. The committee reserves the right to enquire or request additional information for validation if required.
  • The winner will be determined by the creativity of the entry, including the video content and its accompanying caption on the chosen social media platform (Instagram/Facebook/YouTube/TikTok), which will be judged by the Evaluation committee. The decision of the judges is final, and no inquiries, verbal or written, shall be entertained.
  • Primary screening and compliance will be checked by the UCLG ASPAC Secretariat.
  • UCLG ASPAC Secretariat will review the recommendations from the evaluation committee and will declare the result.

Judging criteria are based on:

  • Content: The originality of the idea, situation, or action that has been taken and presented in the video.
  • Structure: The organisation and presentation of the idea in the video.
  • Overall experience: Clarity of the message and its impact on the audience.
  • Cultural sensitivity: Consideration of sensitivities from different cultures, countries, and regions. Videos must not contain any content that might be interpreted as offensive.

Important instructions for participants, Terms and conditions

  • Entry to the contest is FREE.
  • Participants must create a video or shorts of 90 to 120 seconds to demonstrate how City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation benefits people or how its absence causes suffering people.
  • Upload the video to any of your social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or YouTube channel using #UCLGASPAC or @UCLGASPAC, and make the post public. All shorts/ videos are to be uploaded before 31 August 2024, 6.30 GMT+7 (deadline extended),
  • In addition to uploading the video publicly as mentioned, contestants must submit the video link by e-mail to info@uclg-aspac.org with the subject line Asia-Pacific CWIS Video Contest.
  • The e-mail must include a photo of your student ID card, your date of birth, and contact details (including street address, name of education institute, and mobile/WhatsApp number by31 August 2024, 6.30 GMT+7 (deadline extended)
  • There is no limit to the number of submissions, but each contestant will only be eligible to win 1 prize.
  • Contest winners will be announced on UCLG ASPAC Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram pages, and we will connect with Contest winners via Zoom to declare the results.
  • By participating in this contest, the contestants are deemed to have reviewed, read, understood, and accepted these Terms and Conditions.
  • Only short videos approved by UCLG ASPAC will be considered valid entries. The contest prohibits inappropriate content, including but not limited to racial sentiments, nudity, and subversive elements.
  • Contestants acknowledge and undertake that every entry is original, genuine, and creative works created by them, and do not belong to any other person or party.
  • The Contestant hereby agrees that his or her entry in this contest will not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any other party, including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, or service marks.


1Call open for contest ✅✅  ✅ ✅ 
2Screening of videos     ✅
3Evaluation by an independent committee     ✅
4Preparation for prize distribution     
5Result declaration / Prize distribution