October 17-19, 2023 | Singkawang City (West Kalimantan, Indonesia) hosted Human Rights Festival 2023 from October 17-19, 2023. The event was designed as a knowledge-sharing platfrom for respecting, protecting, advancing, and enforcing human rights. This event was conducted by the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights, Presidential Staff Office, International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID), and local government as an expression of policy and practice of human rights in the region.

In the occasion, local government of Singkawang also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Commission on Human Rights to mainstream human rights in the city. Under the MoU, both parties will coordinate in the field of education and counseling of Human Rights, coordination, and consultation in responding to people’s complaints on human rights violations in the West Kalimantan Province.
“The government encourages the implementation of responsible government, both legally, socially, and environmentally and continues to prioritise human rights values,” said dr. Harisson, M.Kes., Acting Governor of Singkawang in the opening ceremony.
Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, Ms. Atnike Nova Sigiro, also expressed her appreciation to the local government of Singkawang for hosting this year’s event. “We would like to appreciate and congratulate Singkawang City for hosting the Human Rights Festival 2023 and also for the city’s 22nd anniversary.”
Apart from discussion on various relevant topics, The Human Rights Festival 2023 was also enriched with cultural festivals, performances, and site visits.