“Parikolektif.com” Website Launch: Supporting Commitment of Yogyakarta Local Government and Community Needs

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2 December 2021 | UCLG ASPAC and its active member, City Government of Yogyakarta launched the https://parikolektif.com/ website in Purbayan, Kotagede, Yogyakarta (one of the urban farm areas in Yogyakarta) with support from UN Habitat’s Global Public Space Programme. This launching event marks the support of UCLG ASPAC towards the commitment of the Mayor of Yogyakarta City, Drs. Haryadi Suyuti, that highlighted the need for digitalisation for the city. Attending the launch ceremony were Mr. Komaru Ma’arif, S.IP, M.Si (Head of Kotagede District, Yogyakarta), representatives of local leaders as well as local farmers community sharing good hopes. The launching event concluded with picking (vegetable) harvest as the symbol of growth and wellbeing of the urban farming activities that is hoped to be achieved by the optimisation of the website.

How It Started: Efforts Met Shared Commitment

The programme started from a concern shared by Mayor Haryadi on the need for digitalisation in Yogyakarta City. Responding to that, UCLG ASPAC collaborated with the local government and local farmers community “Panen Apa Hari Ini (What We Harvest Today)” to optimise the existing efforts on digitalisation. This shared commitment is realised into a programme aiming to optimise the existing digital tool and improve the understanding and capacity of local farmers in utilising the tool. This will surely help local farmers to strive economically and, at the same time, provide local people with daily needs supply. Implemented since December 2020, the programme has: (i) updated the data of every local farmer group in the city; (ii) improved databases of each local farmer group (members and products); (iii) developed a more regular harvest schedule/ calendar from the local farmer groups so that products can be consistently available in the digital marketplace, and (iv) improved documentation on the local farmer groups activities and products to provide added value.


Commitment and further collaboration with the Yogyakarta City Government

UCLG ASPAC also met representatives of Yogyakarta City, from the Economic and Development Division, Department of Food and Agriculture, Department of Communication, Information, and Codes, and Sub-division of Partnership to discuss further collaboration. The discussion focused on the possibilities of programme upscaling and alignment with the local work plan.

On this occasion, UCLG ASPAC also shared the collaboration opportunity that Yogyakarta City can also take part in, such as Xi’an Scholarship, Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) Initiative on Race to Zero and Race to Resilient, Making Cities Resilient (MCR 2030), Training and Capacity Building on Resilience and Decentralised Cooperation, and involvement on the Cultural Committee amongst others.

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