MAYOR Nurhidayah of West Kotawaringin Regency is awarded Woman with Achievement by the Province of Central Kalimantan. This award does reflect Mayor Nurhidayah’s works; as under her leadership, the West Kotawaringin regency is awarded one of the Most Innovative Regencies in Indonesia. Below information enlists some of the innovative programmes.
Jolu Basega
Jolu Basega, which stands for Jomput Ulun Bantu Segera, is a programme created as a response to the violence cases experienced by women, girls, and children physically, psychologically, and sexually. The local government recorded a high number of violence cases (2016-2017) and designed the programme to reduce the number. The implementation of this Jolu Basega programme includes 1) social media campaign to fight acts of violence; car and bike patrol to the neighbourhood; 2) online patrol and monitoring; 3) immediate response; 4) assistance to victims by a dedicated team and health and medical check-up.
Results: 1) decreased number of cases; 2) increased percentage rate of case management; 3) increased speed of case handling management.
Si Lobih
Si Lobih (Sistem Informasi Layanan Online Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan) is a local initiative to use an online system in administering tax rising from acquiring rights on land and buildings. The implementation is based on District Mayor Decree or Peraturan Bupati No.24/2020. The online administration has benefited the local government as well as local people in administrative matters: efficiency (now only one day from previously one week process); transparency (the current system allows local people and local government to access); increase of local revenue (online system minimise potential leakage).
Local Economic Development through Coffee Plantation
This programme is designated in response to the increasing demand for raw coffee and fondness for drinking coffee. The local government of West Kotawaringin has responded to this by encouraging coffee planting and promoting local coffee. The local government has supported farmers with machinery and equipment. To promote local coffee, the local government has also collaborated with private sectors (coffee shop owners, entrepreneurs) and promoted local coffee in provincial and national exhibitions.
UCLG ASPAC congratulates Mayor Nurhidayah and West Kotawaringin for the efforts and innovation made.