Dialogue and Capacity Building of Local and Regional Authorities in EU partner countries in the fields of development and local governance

platforma_logoPLATFORMA, which brings together the majority of national, European and international associations of local and regional authorities (LRAs) active in development cooperation, obtained the support of the European Commission for a new project called ‘;Dialogue and capacity building of local and regional authorities in EU partner countries in the development and local governance fields’.

For the next three years (April 2012-April 2015), PLATFORMA will work to support a reflection process of Local and Regional Authorities in the EU partner countries on development along the lines of the priorities developed in the framework of the Structured Dialogue. In order to achieve this objective, a series of activities and targeted expertise will be promoted throughout the project in partnership with the PLATFORMA members and with the support of the European Commission.

PLATFORMA has been the voice of local and regional authorities for development in relation with the European Union since its creation in 2008. Its activities are supported in the framework of the ‘Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development’ thematic programme, launched in 2007. PLATFORMA represented European local and regional authorities throughout the structured dialogue organised by the European Commission between in 2010-2011, and is committed to strengthening the dialogue between actors in the European NSA/LA programme for development cooperation.