Bontang: Training Workshop to Support City’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Urban Resilience Effort

April 29-30, 2024 | Bontang – UCLG ASPAC received a request from its member, Bontang City to support the city’s disaster risk reduction and urban resilience efforts. In collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the National Agency for Disaster Management (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana/BNPB), and the Minister of Home Affairs (MoHA) of Indonesia, UCLG ASPAC organised a DRR and Urban Resilience training in Bontang from April 29 to 30, 2024. The workshop serves as an orientation on local DRR and resilience for key stakeholders by supporting the city in understanding its existing condition through the lens of the Disaster Resilience Scorecard. 40 participants from multi-stakeholder backgrounds attended the workshop.

The two-day workshop was graced by Mr. Lukman (Assistant to City Secretary on Economy and Development), Ms. Noni Agetha (Head of Division in Planning, Development, and Research Agency/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Riset dan Inovasi Daerah [BAPPERIDA] Bontang), Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi (UCLG ASPAC Secretary General), and Ms. Mutarika Pruksapong (UNDRR ONEA GETI). The workshop enhanced the capacity of Bontang to assess the city’s resilience gaps and needs using the Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities developed by UN DRR. Participants were grouped into six to answer questions in the scorecards and find the opportunities and gaps in their current situations based on the city’s existing condition.

Bontang’s overall score of Disaster Resilience Scorecard, Preliminary version is shown below.

The overall score for Bontang based on the assessment is 85/141.

Top Three Highest Scores:

  • Essential 4: Pursue resilient urban development and design with a score of 10/12 or 83.33%. 
  • Essential 6: Strengthen Institutional Capacity for Resilience comes as the second highest score with a score of 13/18 or 72.22%.
  • Essential 9: Ensure Effective Disaster Response ranked as the third highest score with a score of 15/21 or 71.43%.

Top Three Priorities to be improved:

  • Essential 7: Understand and Strengthen Societal Capacity for Resilience with a score of 6/21 or 28.57%.
  • Essential 10: Expedite Recovery and Build Back Better might be considered as one of the priorities with a score of 2/6 or 33.33%.
  • Essential 1: Organise for Resilience, with a score of 4/9 or 44.44%.

From the score 85/141, it is concluded that Bontang’s condition is conducive, yet needs improvement. City stakeholders can use the findings above for better disaster management plans in the future. UCLG ASPAC and UNDRR also endorsed the city’s plan to establish a task force/Working Group (Kelompok Kerja/Pokja) to improve the city’s resilience. UCLG ASPAC highly appreciates the commitment of the local government of Bontang to improving the city’s resilience and invites all cities to do the same. UCLG ASPAC will remain steadfast in supporting members in Asia-Pacific for more inclusive and resilient.