Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC, Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi was interviewed by the Guizhou Daily Sky Eye News on the significance and role of sharing the achievements of digital governance in smart city construction, and the role of international organisations in promoting the sharing of digital governance achievements among different cities. She embraces the concept and implementation of big data so that local governments can make the “right decisions at the right time.”. She also hopes that big data could not only improve bilateral cooperation to multilateral regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, but also as far as global cooperation, so that “big data and smart city concepts can better serve social progress and development.”
This interview was also conducted during Dr. Bernadia’s visit to Yiwu City, China for the preparation of the 9th UCLG ASPAC Congress as she explored exciting opportunities to be developed in the Congress.
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