10th World Water Forum: Commitment Towards Urgent Water Actions

May 21-23, 2024 | Bali – UCLG ASPAC participated in the 10th World Water Forum held in Bali (May 18 – 25, 2024) as part of its steadfast commitment to water governance and security. In the event gathering around 64,000 participants from 160 countries, UCLG ASPAC collaborated with various institutions with similar visions as well as national governments and contributed to participants’ sharing and learning experience for impactful global actions.

The Local and Regional Government Day

May 22, 2024 | UCLG ASPAC supported the organisation of the Local and Regional Government (LRG) Conference in collaboration with UCLG, the World Water Council, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. LRGs have emphasised the critical role of local governments in sustainable water management particularly in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6, which is, to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The event managed to engage around 300 delegates, including 160 elected officials from around the world.

The forum not only facilitated experience exchanges and practical solutions among local and regional governments in water-related issues, but also showcased the importance of innovative policies, unique partnerships, and water recognition as a global common good. Participants got involved in discussions which covered a wide range of topics, from rethinking the value of water as a global common good to financing water infrastructure and services as well as hydro-diplomacy efforts. It resounds for global calls to contribute to the creation of a global network for local, equitable, and sustainable water management.

The forum also managed to collect a joint declaration of local and regional authorities on water for shared prosperity. The call urged immediate actions involving innovative financing mechanisms, integrated capacity-building activities, community involvements and citizen participation which enable local populations to contribute to the decision-making process and effective implementation of water projects.

The LRG Conference was opened by Mr. Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, Minister for Agrarian Affair and Spatial Planning of Indonesia, Mr. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, Minister of Home Affairs of Indonesia, Mr. Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, Mr. Uğur İbrahim Altay, Mayor of Konya and President of UCLG, Ms. Barbara Pompili, Special Envoy of the President of the French Republic on the One Water Summit and Chair of OECD Water Governance Initiative, and moderated by Ms. Emilia Saiz, Secretary General of UCLG World.

President of UCLG ASPAC, Governor Dakila Carlo Cua, in his closing remark, drew attention to the vital role of local authorities and cooperation in water management. He also encouraged LRG to champion transformative action in a pivotal moment of the global political agenda.

International Workshop on Building Smart and Resilient Cities and Communities in Asia and the Pacific

May 21 & 23, 2024 | UCLG ASPAC, in collaboration with the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan, organised the International Workshop on Building Smart and Resilient Cities and Communities in Asia and the Pacific. The workshop highlighted the pivotal role of local government policymakers and planners in shaping the urban future. The workshop engaged 130 participants worldwide, who came from different backgrounds such as government leaders, development partners, companies, Non-Governmental Organisations, and Civil Society Organisations.

Focusing on “How to Build Smart and Resilient Cities,” the participants discussed enticing topics from best practices in water security, disaster risk reduction (DRR), and sustainable sanitation, to water finance and localising SDGs. The workshop brought rich discussions where participants had the opportunity to learn different perspectives from both municipalities and private sectors. Some cities such as Makassar, Daegu, Palembang, Kumamoto, and Toyota, as well as the Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN) shared their successful experience in water governance and DRR solutions.  

Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC, highlighted several key actions for building smart and resilient cities including the integration of technology and policy, community participation, collaboration, partnership, as well as adaptation and innovation to new ideas and knowledge.

At the 10th WWF final synthesis session, representing the Asia-Pacific’s local governments, Dr. Emil Dardak, President of Eastern Regional Organisation for Planning and Human Settlements (EAROPH), Co-President of UCLG ASPAC in Southeast Asia Sub Region (2016-2018), and Vice Governor of East Jawa (Feb 2019-Feb 2024), echoed the importance of water diplomacy and technology innovation to tackle major challenges in water.

UCLG ASPAC highly appreciates the opportunity to contribute to this global event and bring the perspectives of the Asia-Pacific region to the spotlight. UCLG ASPAC will continuously support cities and local governments to realise their commitment towards water actions.