Brunei I Infusing Responsible Entrepreneurship Towards A Sustainable Future: A sustainability framework has recently been established by Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD), demonstrating the bank’s commitment to playing a key role in the country’s sustainability goals. The bank is constantly working with company owners and NGOs to enlighten, encourage awareness, and assist the entrepreneurs in adopting more efficient and environmentally business decisions and becoming responsible entrepreneurs, which is one of the Sustainability Framework’s pillars. (Source:

Cambodia I Ream City: The Plan to Transform Sihanoukville into A Green Living Hub: An 834-hectare piece of the busy seaside city of Sihanoukville might mirror Singapore by the end of 2045. The Cambodian government intends to turn the southwestern beach city into a tourist, trade, and housing hub and a home for its citizens. (Source:

East Timor I USAID’s Avansa Agrikultura (Forward Agriculture) project: USAID promotes climate-friendly agricultural practices to increase food production and income in five municipalities across the country, including the capital, in collaboration with private sector companies and three government ministries, including the Agriculture Ministry. To improve nutrition in Dili and elsewhere, the $19.2 million project funds initiatives in Timor-Leste that empower women and develop the country’s agriculture. (Source:

Indonesia I Jambi Will Have Modern TPA with Sanitary Landfill System, Indonesia: The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will use a sanitary landfill system to promote waste management in Jambi City. The usage of a sanitary dumping system is meant to reduce pollution’s influence on the environment, whether through water, soil, or air. Initially, the Talang Gulo TPA’s waste management system relied on traditional practice,namely open dumping. (Source:

Laos I New Roadmap for Lao PDR to Promote Sustainable Production and Exports of Wood Products: The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) released its first international strategy for the wood processing industry, marking a watershed moment for the country’s wood processors. The new plan was prepared by the Lao PDR Ministry of Industry and Commerce based on input from industry leaders, small company owners, institutions, and public-sector officials. (Source:

Malaysia I Malaysian Capital Market Well-placed to Facilitate Sustainable Economy: SC Chairman: The Malaysian capital market is strategical to assist in establishing a more equitable and sustainable nation by facilitating sustainable economic activity and corporate practices. The capital market’s fundamental role would make it a useful platform for effecting long-term sustainable transformation. (Source:

Myanmar I Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector: The main goal of Myanmar’s Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector is to enhance mining management and operations’ safety, social, and environmental factors. Enhancement of supervision processes, strengthening of mining staff capability, and strong collaboration of key stakeholders in the mining industry are all implementation components. (Source:

Philippines I The Philippines Unveils Its First Sustainable Finance Framework: The Philippines has released the Sustainable Finance Framework which focuses on using international financial markets to raise green, social, or sustainability securities, loans, and other debt instruments. Furthermore, the framework represents a turning point in the country’s sustainability path and the sustainable financing sector. (Source:

Singapore I Seven Bus Stops Transformed into Urban Farms; All Vegetables to Be Donated to Local Charity Kitchen: Under the collaboration between the sovereign wealth fund and local urban farming school Gardens, more than 100kg of fresh food is produced each week at seven bus stops in Singapore. This initiation creates awareness on the public and students to create awareness about urban farming on the public and students’ point of view. (Source:

Thailand I Alternative Development Pathways for Thailand’s Sustainable Electricity Trade with Laos: Thailand has long encouraged a varied energy supply that includes imports from surrounding countries, including opening more sustainable power trading with Laos to ensure national energy supply. This action demonstrates Thailand’s commitment to meeting the Paris Agreement’s goals and supporting regional development toward the SDGs (Source:

Vietnam I Understanding sustainable agriculture in Vietnam: The farmers in Vietnam have familiarised themselves with sustainable farming, resulting Vietnam as one of the giant agricultural countries in the world. Two farming company specialists, VinEco and Bayer, shared best practices down the farming chain to implement more sustainable practices. This initiative aims to assist Vietnam’s agriculture industry in transforming and increasing its existing production rates. (Source:

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