UCLG ASPAC 2015 ASEAN Mayors Forum 책자 발간 : 국경없이 번영하는 지역을 위한 탄력적이고 지능적인 도시

The 2015 ASEAN Mayors Forum gathered over 500 representatives from the ASEAN member states, from many different horizons: local governments and associations, academia, national governments and
international organizations, and several thousand people at the ASEAN Community Week.

UCLG ASPAC would like to thank the city of Makassar for hosting the Forum, which gave a precious opportunity to regional actors, of all level, to gather and discuss the future of the ASEAN regional bloc and its local communities. Additionally, we thank all partners whose involvement have greatly contributed to the success of the AMF, this includes the Association of Indonesian Municipalities (APEKSI), the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), European Commission and other organizations who have been working together to support the event. For more than a decade, the organization has been fostering regional and local cooperation in the Asia and Pacific. UCLG ASPAC is thus extremely proud to announce, that the agreement to an annual meeting of the ASEAN Mayors was signed in the Makassar Declaration 2015. The signing represents the continuous commitment of the region’s leaders in improving the overall welfare of the ASEAN Community. It is a true milestone in achieving a stable and dynamic network of regional actors to drive ASEAN’s progress.

Local governments have a strategic role in society. Their proximity to communities naturally gives local governments a better understanding of communities’ needs and concerns. At the same time, local governments’ crucial link to central governments and their unified voice on issues that affect citizens on a daily basis, resonates to regional and global developments such as the ASEAN. With the launch of the ASEAN Community in 2015, local governments should take advantage of the opportunities it aims to bring to the region and its people. To a large extent, this would entail capacity building and training on a wide range of thematic areas and skill sets. For example, the potential of small and medium enterprises to contribute to local economic development can be boosted by institutional or policy reforms implemented by local governments. Without mutual cooperation and a spirit of camaraderie with our neighbors, the potential gains that could improve the quality of people’s lives, as well as regional prosperity, could be lost, or the time to resolve urgent problems lengthened.

Our gathering in Makassar is a step towards realizing the region’s common dream – that no one will be left behind. We are moving ahead to establish a robust network of local governments in the region that will play an influential role in the growth and development of ASEAN.

To read more please find the document here