Circular Economy Jobs in ASEAN Cities

UCLG ASPAC, ASEAN Mayors Forum and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are co-organising the Webinar on Measuring Circular Economy Jobs in ASEAN Cities on 27 November 2020.

The webinar is envisioned to raise awareness on circular economy and introduce the Circular Economy Jobs Tool. This will enable cities and local governments in ASEAN to use circular economy to promote job creation and better address the challenge of COVID-19. ASEAN Mayors Forum in which UCLG ASPAC serves as its Secretariat is the only local government network that has received accreditation as an entity associated with ASEAN.

Local government officials and development practitioners are welcome to join the discussion.

REGISTRATION: CLICK HERE (by 25 November 2020)

Brief on Circular Economy: CLICK HERE