5th South Asian Cities Summit

5th South Asian Cities Summit

New age urban and economic developments are transforming the fundamental nature and structure of cities around the world. Alongside, cities are also facing challenges of extreme nature globally; from drought-like situations in Cape Town and Shimla to flooding in Mumbai and Chennai to poor living conditions in the slums of Sao Paulo, Brazil and Delhi. The change in urban demography is also taking place at a fast pace. Cities are expanding and civic services are getting strained. Cities need knowledge and resource-sharing, innovative ideas and technologies and great city leaders with a new vision.

With the objective of building better urban future, All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) in coordination with UCLG ASPAC, is organising 5th South Asian Cities Summit where city mayors along with senior officials from municipal corporations from around the world can share their knowledge and learn from the experiences of each other and contribute their bit in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and join hands together to build a better urban future for coming generations. CLICK HERE for more information.

In close coordination with UCLG ASPAC Standing Committee of Women in Local Government, 5th SAC Summit will also incorporate The 2nd Women Leadership Workshop on 4 March 2020.

CLICK HERE for more information on sponsorship, concept note, agenda.